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Smith, Vivian M.

The Newton Kansan

   Vivian M. Smith, 93, Newton, died Feb. 23, 2013 in Kansas Christian Home in Newton.  She was

born on March 17, 1919, St. Patrick's Day to William and Vivian Carter Sheffler in Halstead and was

one of 14 children.

   She married Edwin Smith on January 2, 1936 in Newton.  They were married for 68 years until his

passing in 2004.  She was a longtime beautician and shop owner in the Newton Area.  One of her great

loves was cooking.  Here children remember her as a great cook, especially for  her pies, breads

and chicken noodle soup.

   She was a loving grandmother and great grandmother and was a member of First Presbyterian Curch in Newton.  She was very much a people person and she loved her country and gospell music and singing, so much that she preferred that over television.  She had a love for "mean" little dogs, especially her Chico, Pedro, Sparky and Benji.

   Survivors: daughters, Bonnie and Bob Baumgartner; Joyce Gouch; Sue Annett; six brothers and sisters; and numerous grandchildren and greaat grandchildren.

   A Memorial service will be March 1 at Petersen Funeral Home Chapel.


Owner of originalNewton Kansan
Date27 Feb 2013
Linked toVivian M (Sheffler) Smith

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