Carrie Hutton

Female 1868 - 1913  (45 years)


Hutton, Carrie Hess

Harvey County Independent

   Mrs. Carrie Hess Hutton, age 45 died at Cordell, Oklahoma as a result of a minor operation.

   Two weeks ago Sunday, she with three of her sisters, Mrs. Joe Santee, Mrs. Al Rickert and Miss Elizaabeth Hess sang in a quartette at the Methodist Church.

   She was born in Illinois and came to Kansas with her parents, Mr. &* Mrs. John B. Hess in 1878.  She married Will R. Hutton in  1897.  She was possessed of a rich sweet and melodious alto voice.

   Survivors: husband, 6 year old son, mother, 3 sisters, 3 brothers, Albert, Edward and Homer Hess.

   Forty Halstead people went over on the early Interuban to attend the services in Newton.

Owner of originalHarvey County Independent
Date29 Aug 2013
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