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Gorvin, Edwin

Barton County Democrat

Edwin Gorvin, one of the old soldiers of Burrton, Kansas, died at his home in that city last Saturday, aged eighty-seven years.  The Gorvin and the McMullen families came to Kansas from pennsylvania in 1877, at which time Mr. Gorvin located near Burrton while the McMullens came on to Barton county.  He was an Englishman by birth and by thrift and industry had acquired a great deal of property.  He was a man who was deeply religious and was one of the leading members of the Presbyterian Church and was one of the officers of the State Presbytery, and in addition to visiting here many times with the McMullen families, had attended many Church sessions in this city and so had many warm friends here who will be grieved to hear of his death.  The funeral services were held at Burrton Monday and were attended by Miss Ella McMullen and J. E. McMullen of this city.


The Barton County Democrat, Great Bend, Kansas.  Thursday, June 12, 1914.  Page 3.

Owner of originalBarton County Democrat
Date12 Jun 1914
Linked toEdwin Gorvin

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