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Spencer, James D.

The Newton Kansan

   James E. "Jim" Spencer, 53, died Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at  his Newton residence.  He was born December 2, 1960 in Newton to Lawrence "ony" and Julia "Judy" Thomas Spencer.  Jim was the owner/operator of Spencer Construction providing construction and concrete work in Harveyy Couny area.  He was a member  of the Newton home builders association and helped with habitat for humanity homes in the area.  He greatly enjoyed helping people and shariing his construction knowledge.  He also enjoyed collecting pipe wrenches through the years and had a vast dispay of all sizes of wrenches on his shop wall.

   Survivors: father, Tony of Newton; son, Julion Spender of Newton; daughters, Erica Montana Spencer of Newton and Grandy Constanceo of Dallas, Texas; brothers, Anthony (Cidra) and Dennis Spencer both of Newton; sister, Angela Tumwa of Portsmouth, Virginia; one granddaughter, Elaina Barnella.  Jim was preceded in death by his mother, Judy.

   Services will be Satuday, May 3 at Petersen Funeral Home.  Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Newton Kansas.

Owner of originalNewton Kansan
Date30 Apr 2014
Linked toJames D. Spencer

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