Jason Smith Selfridge was born at Colterille, Illinois October 10, 1857and died at the home of hisi son, Fred Selfridge inSedgwick, Kansas April 19, 1914 at the age of 56 years, 6 months and 9 days. He moved to Kansas with his parents during his early boyhood days. He has lived in several states and at the time of his death was a reident of Denver, Dolorado.
On April 4, 1881 he was married to Miss Eva J. Getty and to this union there was born four sons and three daughters. Two of the sons died in infancy and one of the daughters died at the age of 19. Those surviving are the wife, son, Fred, Sedgwick; son, Guy Ervin and a daughter, Loula Nettie, both of Newton and daughteer, Mrs. Ethel Mercer, Denver, Colorado; 67 grandchildren.
He was converted when a young mann and has been a member of the Methodist Church several years ago.