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Shacklett, D.

Burrton Graphic

   D.Shackett dropped dead iin Wichita at the home of his son.  The funeral party arrived in Burrton and proceeded to the Burrton Cemetery.

   Survivors: sons, Jack, Elbert, George and daughter, Mrs. Clyde Store.  He came to Burrton in 1880.

   Mr. Shacklett, with the family, was a resident of Burrton for many years, the family coming in 1880.  He was well known to all the people of this vicinity.  He was possessed of a robust physiue and thought to have a rugged constitution and it was a great surprise to friends to learn of his death.

   Mr. Shackllett dropped in at the home of his son.  Death was due to apolexy.  He had complained of some obstruction in his throat, and started to the lavatory.  He was accompanied by his grandson, Frank.   Just as Mr. Shacklett entered the lavatory, accordiing to his grandson, he collapsed.  The boy ran to the house and summoned his fther and motheer, but when they reached hin, he was dead.  Cause of death was applexy.

   In falling, he struck his head and a gash was cut in his forehead.  His son stated that his father had been a remarkaably healthy man all of his life.  Last week he had a slight attack of stomach trouble, but it apparently had paased away.
\   Mrs. Shacklett's preceded him to the better world in 1908.  Services were  held in with burial in Burrton Cemetery.

Owner of originalBurrton Graphic
Date9 Apr 1914
Linked toD. Shacklett

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