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Ricketts, George W

The Newton Evening Kansan-Republican

17 Sep 1911
Death came to G. W. Ricketts yesterday afternoon at six o'clock. He has been a patient sufferer for two years with cancer; was operated on over a year ago, and everything in the power of surgery was done for him. He has been cared for at both Axtell and Bethel Hospitals but for the last three months has been at the Kelly home at 227 West 5th street.
The body was taken to the Northfoss undertaking parlors. Funeral arrangements will not be made until the arrival of relatives.

18 Feb 1911
George W. Ricketts was born in Ohio Co., Indiana in 1849; came to Newton twenty-five years ago and has resided in and around Newton during this time. His son, Perry died in April 1908 and his wife a month later. Two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Gibbons of Pueblo and Mrs. Eva Ruth of Poca Tella, Idaho, two brothers and a sister in Illinois and his father-in-law, Alfred Johnson of Halstead are his surviving relatives.
Mr. Ricketts was a devout christian man, quiet and unassuming in way; he was not a member of any organization always preferring the quiet of home life.
Funeral services will be held at the Northfoss Undertaking Parlor at half after two o'clock Tuesday afternoon; Rev. J. J. Griffin will conduct the services.

Owner of originalCarol Gibbens
Date17 Feb 1911
Linked toGeorge Washington Ricketts

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