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Huffman, Elizabeth Johnson

Evening Kansan - Republican

Obituary of Elizabeth Johnson Huffman
     Elizabeth Johnson was born at Rising Sun, Ind. February 7, 1854. When she was 16 years of age, she with her parents moved to Gridley, Ill. Eight years later the family moved to Harvey county, Kans. She was united in marriage to William E Huffman, June 4, 1879. They moved to their homestead near Mission, east of Halstead, where Mr. Huffman died June 4, 1892.
     After the death of her husband, Mrs. Huffman with her family of children continued to reside there. In 1905 she moved to Halstead, where during her long, useful life she made many friends among her neighbors and in her church affiliation.
     In 1898, Mrs. Huffman united with the Christian Church of this city and was an active member and supporter of the church until its disbandment. After the dissolving of the Christian Church, she attended and supported the Methodist church until her health failed her and she could no longer attend actively.
     Mrs. Huffman was the mother of seven children. Two boys, William P and Frederick preceded her in death. Those left to mourn are Harvey, living on the home place; Harry E. and George K. of this city; Mrs. J. W. (May) Steele of Dodge City; and Mrs. L. E. (Nettie) Zimmerman of Alexander, Kans. She is also survived by a brother, John Johnson  of Argonia, and a sister, Mrs. Wesley Smith of Hesston.
     Mrs. Huffman was a pioneer resident of this community and endured many of the hardships of the early Kansas settlers. For the last several years she suffered from a cancer and was confined to her bed the greater part of the time.
     Tuesday noon a stroke occurred and she peacefully departed this life at 9:15 p. m. Tuesday. During the years of suffering she never complained but bore her pain with patience and fortitude.
     The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon from the Methodist Church here. The Rev. W. B. Robertson, a former pastor and now of Wichita, preached the funeral sermon. A quartet composed of Claney Brown, Miss Avis Miller, Mrs. Florence Lohmeyer and Ross Challans sang several numbers.
      The pallbearers were Walter Hupp of Newton, Fawn Manring of Hesston, Floyd Shafer, Ben Smith, W. H. Hunt, and Charles Spore. Interment was in the Halstead Cemetery with Kinzer and Dresse in charge. 

Owner of originalCarol Gibbens
Date7 Aug 1936
Linked toElizabeth (Johnson) Huffman

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