Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Johnson, George S
Newton Evening Kansan-Republican
Emma Notes George S. Johnson who died May 22, 1904 was born in Switzerland county, Ind., August 17, 1854 and came to Kansas with his parents in 1878. George (as he was familiarly known by everyone) has been in failing health for some time past and last fall he decided to go to California and for a time after arriving there he seemed to improve but later on he had a relapse and finally decided to return home, and his decline was very rapid, his death being hastened by quick consumption. George led a very quiet and peaceful life and always took a great interest in the news of the day and was a very familiar figure at the Hesston post office where he went almost daily for his mail. He was the mainstay and companion of his aged father who will miss him greatly in his declining years. He leaves a father, one brother and four sisters to mourn his loss. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Herbert, pastor of the Hesston M. E. church and the interment was in the Newton [Greenwood] cemetery.
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