Daniel Bierschbach

Male 1866 - 1914  (48 years)


Bierschbach, Daniel

Newton Kansan

   Daniel Bierschbach died  aftere taking carbolic acid by mistake.  He had become ill while working at his farm six miles west of Newton on First Street and thought he was taking Baker's Pain Relief.  His son Clarence expected him to go to Halstead after a load of threshing coal that afternoon, but found him unconscious late that eveniing at the farm.
   Many friends were shocked to hear of his death.  He was a well known old settleer whhose faarm residence is si miles west of  First Sstreet.

   The residence of the Bierschbach family is iin Newton, but two sons stay at the farm during the busy season and Mr. Bierschbach had been at the farm helping them during the harvestand threshing season.  Mr. Bierschbach phoned to his wife from the farm, sayiing that he was not feeling well and asked where to find some medicine to take.  His wife gave him careful directions where too find a bottle containing Baker's Pain Relief; how to dilute it with water and to sweeten it.  During the coversation he remarked that he was going to Halstead in the afternoon to get a load of coal for threshing purposes.  That was the last hears of him by the family iin Newton, until they received word over the hone from the son, Clarence about 9:30 pm last that he had found his fatrher uunconscious  when he returned from helpiing a neighbor.

   The burned condition of the man's lips indicated that carbolic acid had been taken.  No one hadd been at the house duriing the day, so it will never be known just when he took the poison.  How the istake could have occured was solved when a member of the family remembered that a bottle containing carbolic acid which had been used at the barn, had been broutht in to use in preparing a wash for relief of heat and had placed the bottle on the shelf for pain relief.  It i thought from the condition of the cup from whiich Mr. Bierschbach had diluted and sweetened the acid, accordiing to the directions from his wife.

   He seemed as well as usual on Monday and had helped a neighbor with his threshing.  However he had been subjected to heat attacks that at times were alarming.  The deceassed had resided in Harvey county for the past 40 years, living a number of years in southwest art ot the county. For 12 years he lived at farm west of Newton which is now farmed by his two soons, Clarence and Clifford.  Two ears ago the family moved to Newton at 126 East 1st street.   Beside his wife, he is survived by 7 children, all of whom reside in Newton or at the rarm residence.  They are Howard, Clarence, Clifford, Elsie, Sylvia, Alta and Hilda; brother Jess Bierschbach of Halstead, Albert oof Durango, Colorado and a sister at Raton, N. M.

   Services will be held at the family residence Thursday aafternoon.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date16 Aug 1914
Linked toDaniel Bierschbach

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