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Moore, Benjamin

Halstead Independent

   Benjamin A. Moore passed away Wednesday December 1, 1912 after hovering between life and death for nearly three weeks.  He was born in St. Clair County, Illinois on November 22, 1830 and died in Halstead December 11, 1912, making him a little over 82 years old.  He married Miss Mary Smith on May 5, 18588, who thus lived toether in Holy matrimony more than 54 yeaars.  To them were born two daughters, Mrs. Kate Utz of Wichita and Jessie, who died in Hastead in 1884.  One adopted daughter, Mattie was also added to the family circle.   Mr. Moore had been a member of the Methodist Church since 45 years ago, 33 of these were in the church at Halstead.  His conversion and experience was of the clear old fashioned type and his memory of other days and great men of Methodism of those days were greeen spots in his memory.

   Three weeks aafter his conversion he became a class leader,  in the church and this kind of interest he kept alive to the end.  The last 15 years of his life was a battle of pain, which finally overcame him. One of the consoliations of his dying hours was the very many friends who ministered to him as a father and we all feel that a good man has passed on.

Funeral services were held inthe Methhodist Church, Rev. J. V. Hawk officiatging.  Rev. Oliver of the Presbyterian Church assisted in the service. 

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date19 Dec 1912
Linked toBenjamin A Moore

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