Mrs. John Melson, widow of the late John Melson passed away at Axtelll Hospital in Newton January 16. She suffered a mental breakdown about 3 months agoo and since that time had been cared for at the Hospital. Her conditiion was no time encouraging and her death was not unexpected.
Mary Pfiester was born in Cincinnati, Ohio September 19, 1865. She united with the German Lutheran Church before her marriage, but since coming to Kansas in 1883 she had not changed her membership.
For 30 years whe made her home on the farm south of Halstad. She was a good neighbor.
Survivors: Mrs. Herman Wittchow of Halstead; Mrs. C. F. Fein of Newton and John Melson Jr. The husband and her faather preceded heer a few weeks ago.
Funeral services were held from the late home Saturday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. Shull of the Methodist Churdh.