Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Yeomans, Charles
Halstead Independent
Charles Yeomans answered the final summons. He was one of the earliest settlers locating SW of Halstead in the spring of 1871. His first two years on the claim he spent hunting buffalo with R. H. Arrowsmith and with a surveying party in Indian territory among the Cheyenne. He was born in Ohio in 1849 and enlisted at the age of 14 as a drummer in Ohio regiment Civil War. He was taken prisoner for four months, then released and re-enlisted in 171st Ohio as a musician. Following his discharge in 1864 he shipped as a seaman on the full-rigged ship Vermont for two and a half years. He went around Cape Horn, cruised the South Sea Islands and went to London.
He married in 1875 and was a charter member member of the Presbyterian Church. He moved from the farm in a commodious home on South Chestnut.
Survivors: children; Mrs. C. H. McBurney, Chauncey; Mrs.Lambert Edison; Edward and Grace.
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