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Severance, James T.

Burrton Graphic

 James Taggart Severance was born September 4th, 1824 at Truston, Courtland County, New York and died October 20. 1913 aged 89 years, 2 year, 16 days,  He was married to Miss Mariana Botsford at Granger, N,Y.  To this union three sons were born, John, Will and Martin who survive him.

   Mr. Severance united with the Prersbyterian Church at Wiscoy, N. Y. in March of 1858.  In his young days he was as strong Prohibitionist and fought for the cause when so many were against it, but as time went on, Prohibition gaianed more converts and he did not stand alone.  He was also an ardent admirer of Abraham Lincoln and of him he loved to talk.  Mr. Severance resided in different towns in the state of his birth until March 1st, 1895 when he made his home with his son, Willard L. Severance.  

   Mr. Severance was one of the oldest people living in Harvey County, being in his 90th year.  He was broad visioned in life and possessed a keen and good mind that retained the intimate memory of events of  fact, datiig back to 1830.  He was a splendid recontour and when iin a reminiscent mood delighted friends and listeners with recital of facts connected with early pioneer life in the New England States and on matters of National imortance.

   His death maks the passage of a vigorous mentality,  and unimpaired by the passing of time.

   Funeral services will occur from the home of his son, W. L. Severance at the farm i Burrton Township and interment will be made in Burrton cemetery. 

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date23 Oct 1913
Linked toJames T Severance

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