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Mullins, Inez Mariah Grant

Old Newspaper clipping

   Inez Mariah Grant Mullins was born in Lee County, Iowa on February 17, 1857, the daughter of Hiram and Hannah Mariah Towne Grant.  She united with the Christian Church when 15 years of age and remained an active worker to the end. She was united in marriage to C. W. Mullins on February 11, 1875 and to this union were born 12 children., ten of whom survive her.  She lived to see them alll unite with the church, but one who was called home at the age of 4 yeaars.  She died at the home of her son,  Dr. J. A. Mullins, Marlow, Oklahoma on May 15, 1918. at the age of 61 years, 2 months and 16 days. 

   She is survived by her husband; six daughters; Mrs. E. J. McCulley; Mrs. J. A. Gardner; Mrs. D. M. Good of Quilan, Oklahoma; Mrs. W. E. Stewart of Mayfield, Kansas; Mrs. Frank Relph; Miss Marie Mullins of Adair;, Oklahoma; Mrs.  Stewart of Mayfield, Kansas; sons, Dr. J. A. or Marlow, Oklahoma; C. E. of Los Angeles, Calaifornia; William O. of Astoria, Oregon; Frank of Adaiar, Oklahoma and three sisters; Mrs. E. C. Caldwell of Halstead, Kansas; Mrs. Abraham Viersen of Greensburg, Kansas and Mrs. William Morris of Quinlan, Oklahoma.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
DateMay 1918
Linked toInez Mariah (Grant) Mullins

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