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Schrag, Esther
The Newton Kansan
Esther Frieda Ratzlaff Schrag, 95, died on Tuesday (March 20, 2012) at Kidron Bethel in North Newton.
The youngest of six children, she was born on March 23, 1916, on the
family farm near Meno, Okla., to the Rev. John J. Ratzlaff and Mary
Decker Ratzlaff. She attended Cozy Palace Grade School near the
family farm in Oklahoma until her family moved to Newton in 1926. She
was a proud Newton High School graduate (1934), enjoying her time in
high school during the heyday of Frank Lindley's basketball teams. She
had great memories of high school basketball, choir trips and life-long
friendships with her locker partners. She appreciated her teachers
"Ma" McBeth, who taught her to love Shakespeare and Caddie Perkins and
La Vina Livingood, who gave her a good foundation for teaching. She was
greatly influenced by her music professor, Walter Holmann, home
economics, Mamie Kennedy Phillips, and Bible professor A. E. Kreider. She graduated from Bethel College in 1938 with a bachelor of science in
home economics. While at Bethel, she enjoyed college choir trips,
classes and the friendships she developed.
She was a home
demonstrator of washing machines, ironers and other products for Bendix
Corporation in Kansas City and with Hallmark Cards to help support her
husband while he was in dental school. She taught home economics in
Goessel and Hillsboro before her daughters were born and in McPherson
once they were in school. She was an active fund-raiser for: Bethel
College; a mental health hospital in McPherson; Kauffman Museum; and
Kidron Bethel. She, John and daughters spent two years in alternative
service in Aibonito and Pugillas, Puerto Rico. After retirement, she and
John served in voluntary service on three Native American reservations.
She enjoyed traveling to many locations in the United States, Europe,
Central and South America. Trips often were combined with attending
church conferences, Elderhostels or visiting family. She loved
classical and sacred music; for many years she and John attended the
Wichita Symphony and performances at Bethel College and in church. She
enjoyed social occasions, good food, playing table games and silly songs
and good jokes.
She was baptized and joined Bethel College
Mennonite Church on May 22, 1932. She was a faithful member of the local
Mennonite church her entire life (First Mennonite in McPherson, Eden
Mennonite in Moundridge and Bethel College Mennonite in North Newton). On June 12, 1943, she married John O. Schrag, a fellow Bethel College classmate.
John and their two daughters (Sandra Zerger and Rebecca Fretz) survive her. Family was very important to her.
Her siblings (all deceased) were Ruie Ratzlaff (Henry) Becker, Walter
Ratzlaff (Alice), Sadie Ratzlaff Harms (Edwin), Paul Ratzlaff and
Kathryn Ratzlaff Blair (Milford). Son-in-laws are John D. Zerger
and Thomas H. Fretz. Grandchildren include: Jonathan Zerger (Heather
Esau), Mark Fretz (Wibke Wojanowski), Brian Zerger (Kristin Bohnenblust)
and Amy Kristine Fretz (deceased). Great-grandchildren are Piet Fretz,
Til Fretz, Justin Zerger, Addison Zerger and Allision and Madelyn
Zerger. In addition, she leaves behind brother-in-law, Milo Schrag
(Ann); sister-in-law, Dorothy Schrag; and many nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be from 1 to 9 p.m. Friday (March 24, 2012) at Petersen Funeral Home in
Newton, with the family present from 5 to 7 p.m. A graveside service
will be at 10 a.m. Saturday (March 25, 2012) at Greenwood Cemetery in Newton. A memorial
service will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 25 at Bethel College Mennonite Church. Memorials may be designated to Bethel College or to the Mennonite Central Committee.
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