Benjamin F. Giggy, age 70, born 1844, Berne, Switzerland was buried in the beautiful cemetery in Halstead to await the resurrection of the just. He came with his parents to the U.S.. when he was 8 years old and they settled in Ohio. He was a stone mason. He enlisted in the Civil War in 1862 Co. G 88th Indiana Volunteer infantry but was taken sick with lung fever and was sent to Louisville, Kentucky and sent home.
In the spring of 1864 he enlisted in Co. H, 44th Indiana Volunteer Infantry and served until the close oof the war, lastly as clerk at General Gilllens Headquarters in east TFTennessee until 1865.
He married Sarah Bowen in 1866. They had 9 chilldrren, 3 boys dying in infancy. Came to Harvey County in 1884. He was a member of the Halstead Presbyterian Church, member of Prairie Flower church, and was a Mason and belonged to Eastern Star.