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Stauffer, Gary Robert

The Newton Kansan

Gary Robert Stauffer


Gary Robert Stauffer, age 63, born in Newton on Jan. 15, 1953, the son of Mahlon Roy and Betty Stauffer, passed away on Thursday (April 14, 2016) at his home in Amity, Missouri.

On March 4, 1984, Gary and Clara Louise Peters were united in marriage in Hiawatha. Gary was a school bus driver for Maysville R-1 Schools for over 11 years. He loved mushroom hunting, fishing and practical jokes.

Gary was a passionate, determined advocate for abused children, adults and animals. He is best known for being a Guardian Angel and helped anyone in need.

Long before Gary was diagnosed with his illness, he was actively seeking to help those with cancer and other illnesses with alternative methods. Some credit Gary with saving their lives with his knowledge of juicing and other alternative methods of treatment. Gary also most recently was advocating for the legalization of medical marijuana, for its known benefits for pain relief and he strongly believed cannabis has possible curative properties for some cancers and other illnesses.

Gary is preceded in death by his parents. Survivors include his wife Louise of the home; daughter, Tabitha Stauffer of the home; brother, Gregg Stauffer, mother-in-law, Wilma Peters; four brother-in-laws; three sister-in-laws; several nieces and nephews; and many friends.

Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, April 16, 2016, at Amity Cemetery, Amity, Missouri.

Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday at Turner Family Funeral Home of Maysville, Missouri.

For memorial contributions, we ask you support Gary's dream of helping those with cancer and other illnesses by supporting the legalization of medical marijuana in Missouri.

Information on the initiative along with methods of contribution can be found at The Initiative

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date19 Apr 2016
Linked toGary Robert Stauffer

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