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Fleek, Newton

Obituary - The Newton Kansan-Republican

Sedgwick Man Took Own Life
Funeral of Newton H. Fleek To Be Held Wednesday

It was learned here late Monday afternoon, that Newton H. Fleek, 70, who had resided in the Sedgwick community about fifty years, was found dead of a rifle shot in his room where he lived alone in that town, Saturday night about 10 o'clock.

County authorities were called to the scene and Dr. M. C. Martin, coroner states that he felt there was no doubt but what the wound was self inflicted, and pronounced it a case of suicide.

Fleek is said to have been ill for some time, and the tragedy was discovered by neighbors who were solicitous about him.  It was deducted that the shot was fired about an hour before he was found dead.

Mr. Fleek was born in Illinois, Aug. 21, 1878, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fleek.  He had been married but had lived alone since the death of his wife.  He leaves a stepson Wallace Doolin and three brothers, Ira Fleek of Sedgwick, Albert M., of Detroit, Mich., and Alvy of Robinson, Ill. 

Funeral services will be held at the Congregational Church in Sedgwick, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, with the Pastor Rev. E. Roy Farwell, officiating.  Herbert Kaufman, funeral director of Halstead, is in charge of the arrangements.  (The Newton Kansan, Newton, Kansas.  Monday, November 2, 1948.  Page 1.  Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the HCGS).

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date2 Nov 1948
Linked toNewton Hill Fleek

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