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Krueger, Frances Arlene Hanke

The Newton Kansan

Obituary: Frances Arlene Hanke Krueger 

FORT WORTH — Frances Arlene Hanke Krueger, 78, passed away Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. Memorial service will be 3 p.m. Sunday at Cornerstone Bible Church, Southlake. In lieu of flowers, Frances desired that donations be made to Cornerstone Bible Church, 545 S. Nolen Drive, Southlake, Texas, in support of their missionaries or Mission Alliance in support of her son, Dennis, serving in Taiwan. Frances was born April 2, 1934, in Newton, the second of four children to Herman and Anna E. Buller Hanke. Frances grew up in Newton, attending Cooper Grade School and graduating from Newton High School in 1952. At the age of 18, she met and married her high school sweetheart, Samuel Joseph Krueger, and moved to Hesston, where they established their home and lived for 26 years, raising their five children, Douglas (Boulder, Colo.), Dennis (China), Brenda Adams (Arlington), Debbie Reimer (Douglass) and Jeff (Newton). They moved to Arlington in 1978 and then to Fort Worth in 1980.Her greatest enjoyment in her spare time was exposing false teachings and teachers and belief systems, copying and mailing out information to all who asked for the information. Since she didn't have much money to donate, she gave of her time and skills instead to help keep the light of Jesus Christ shining in the darkness for all those in the world who are hopelessly lost, giving them hope through God's word, message and song and the opportunity of coming to know the Lord as their own personal Savior. Her other great joys were her beloved 13 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Her favorite pastimes included reading, playing games with her grandchildren, working jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, and collecting recipes and cookbooks. Frances came to know the Lord personally in mid-life and her great love for him outshone anything else on earth. Her greatest desire was to see all of her children, grandchildren and her many relatives come to know and accept her precious Savior as their own. Her greatest hope was to see her Lord and Savior face to face at long last. Today, she is experiencing that reality — her Coronation Day! Rejoice with her today! Frances was preceded in death by her older brother, Eugene, April 20, 1932; her father on March 2, 1987; and her mother on May 4, 1987.Mount Olivet Funeral Home, 2301 N. Sylvania Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76111, (817) 831-0511, is in charge of the arrangements. View and sign the guestbook at 

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date29 Dec 2012
Linked toFrances Arlene (Hanke) Krueger

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