Melvin M. Kendall

Male - 1903


Kendall, M.M.

The Wichita Daily Eagle

Newton Pioneer Dead

M. M. Kendall Dies from Fall Occurring Years Ago

M. M. Kendall, one of the early settlers of Newton died here Thursday evening from the effects of paralysis, brought on by a fall received several years ago. Mr. Kendall was at work on the roof of an elevator and fell sixty feet, striking his head. Though not killed outright, Mr. Kendall received

injuries which years after caused his death. The deceased was a prominent member of the Baptist Church and belonged to the Masons. (c) HCGS.  The Wichita Daily Eagle, Wichita, Kansas.  Friday, April 5, 1903.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date5 Apr 1903
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