Departed this life
August 8, 1889 at the home of her brother, W. J Gray of Walton, Mrs. Carrie
Fulmer aged 34 years. The remains were laid to rest in the Walton cemetery.
The deceased had
been a sufferer from lung trouble for many months and had recently gone with
her husband to El Dorado Springs, Mo., in the hope of receiving some
benefit---but her time had comemthe call was given ---peacefully and gladly she
answered and went home to God singing her good-bye to earth.
So quietly
she went away that we who lingered round the couch of the dying felt indeed
that: "There is no
Deathl What seems so is transition;
This life of mortal
breath Is but a suburb of
the life elysian, Whose portal we call
Death." (c) HCGS. The Newton Daily
Republican, Newton, Kansas. Tuesday, August 20, 1889. Page 3.