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Fulmer, Carrie

The Newton Daily Republican


Departed this life August 8, 1889 at the home of her brother, W. J Gray of Walton, Mrs. Carrie Fulmer aged 34 years. The remains were laid to rest in the Walton cemetery.

The deceased had been a sufferer from lung trouble for many months and had recently gone with her husband to El Dorado Springs, Mo., in the hope of  receiving some benefit---but her time had comemthe call was given ---peacefully and gladly she answered and went home to God singing her good-bye to earth.

So quietly she went away that we who lingered round the couch of the dying felt indeed that: "There is no Deathl What seems so is transition;

This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call Death." (c) HCGS.  The Newton Daily Republican, Newton, Kansas.  Tuesday, August 20, 1889.  Page 3.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date20 Aug 1889
Linked toCarrie (Gray) Fulmer

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