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Hackney, John S

The Newton Evening Kansan

After a lingering illness, John S. Hackney, of Highland township, passed to his rest yesterday afternoon at 4:30. The funeral will be held tomorrow. The hearse will leave the farrm at noon, and the services will be held in the Walton Presbyterian church at 1:30, the interment to be made in the Walton cemetery.


Mr. Hackney was born near Uniontown, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, February 24, 1838. When a young man, he graduated from a business college and engaged in commercial pursuits. At the age of 24, he moved to Illinois, remaining one year, then going to Iowa and living one year, and from there to Montana and Idaho, where he was engaged in mining and freighting for several years. He came to Kansas in 1871, settling on section 10, Highland township, which was his home ever since. He was a substantial man, as his well-stocked farm always indicated. His lot was cast with the republican party, in which he was a strong worker. He held township offices for several years. His health had been failing for some time, and the last two months he suffered presumably from a cancer of the stomach. He leaves a wife and three children, Clara F., Cora L. and John.  © HCGS.  The Newton Evening Kansan, Newton, Kansas.  Monday, December 19, 1898. Page 1.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date19 Dec 1898
Linked toJohn S Hackney

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