Came to Harvey in
Mrs. Mary Fields,
wife of Harry Fields, died at her home, No. 430 North Royston Avenue, in
Wichita, Kansas, Tuesday, October 30 aged 83 years old and six months.
The funeral services will be held in the M.
E. Church at Halstead, Kansas, at two o'clock Saturday afternoon, Nov.
3rd. Interment will be made in the
cemetery four miles north of Halstead.
Mrs. Fields is survived by her husband, Harry Fields, and one sister,
Mrs. Eliza Schaller of Longdale, Okla., also a nephew, W.H. Smith, formerly of
Newton but now employed as an engineer in the Santa Fe yards at Wichita. Mr. and Mrs. Fields homesteaded near Halstead
in 1870 where they lived until April 1904, when they sold their farm and moved
to Wichita. The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas. October 31, 1906. Page 1.
© Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Harvey County Genealogical