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Life Sketch

Wiebe Family

Life Sketch of Kameron Dean Wiebe –

Dear Kameron,

We know you can’t read this, but we hope you know just how much you mean to us…how much we love you…how incredibly blessed we were to have you in our lives these past 21 years. We want the people who read our letter to you to know what an amazing guy you were. We thank the Lord for you, Kameron, for giving you to us to enjoy. You were a gift to us and we are so grateful for the memories we have of you; we are so grateful for the hope – the assurance – that we get to see you again in heaven someday.
We remember when you came into the world: March 11, 1996. It was morning; Mom and Dad dropped us off at Grandpa and Grandma’s on the way to the hospital. Several hours later we got the phone call: we had a new baby brother, Kameron Dean. We were so ex-cited to see you! We got to come to the hospital that night and hold you tight – such a cute little guy with curly dark hair.

From the time you were little to the day you went to heaven, you were such a content young man. Mom says that sometimes she’d pick you up and hold you, even though you weren’t crying – you were content to just sit there and play all by yourself. That easy satis-faction with life’s circumstances continued throughout your life; every single year at Christmas and your birthday, Mom would ask and ask you what you wanted for your gifts – and all you could think of was shotgun shells! But that was who you were: happy with what God had given to you and content with whatever gifts you received.

The year you were born, you joined five other cousins in the Wiebe family. And boy, were you a tight-knit group! The cousin clan, that’s what we called you. Inseparable, best friends, you were all different from each other but that is what made your little group so special. We loved to see you laughing and talking together, sharing memories, having campouts, drinking way too much Mountain Dew, going on ski trips, calling each other for homework reminders, and so much more. You had something so special as a group. The four cousins still here on earth will miss you and Caleb like crazy, but they’ll stick to-gether. We know that you and Caleb are loving heaven together too. And one day, your crazy cousin clan will all get to be together again, laughing and chatting and having so much fun together as you worship our Savior in heaven.

When you were four years old, you made the single most important decision of your life: you asked Jesus to be your Savior from sin. Mom remembers that day like it was yester-day. You came to her and said, “Mommy, I want to become a Christian!” When Dad came in for dinner they helped you to pray to Jesus and ask Him to save you. And because of this and your continued walk with the Lord, we have hope, for we know that you are in heaven and we who have trusted Christ as Savior will get to see you someday.

We loved watching you play sports in high school and college too. Those poor little soccer forwards got their plows cleaned a few times by a certain high powered sweeper, but boy was it ever fun to watch you running full blast to head a ball out of the back field. Basket-ball, track, softball…we have such great memories of seeing you participate in all these sports  Sports wasn’t the only thing you enjoyed, though; you loved to hunt and fish with your dad, brothers, and cousins. Whether it was dove hunting until you ran out of shells, reel-ing in that eleven-pound catfish, or shooting your first buck, you loved the outdoors. We can still see you driving off on that yellow four-wheeler on some adventure or another.

The year you stayed home from college was a special time for our family. We saw you start to take ownership in the work around the farm as you worked with Dad and Karlin in the everyday tasks of life. Your relationship with your niece and nephews was such a privilege to watch: playing basketball with Wyatt, giving four-wheeler rides to Garrett and Addison, giving Jake a high five. You were always so good with kids, Kameron! From camp counseling to teaching Bible School, your gift with children impacted many lives.

Your time at Berean prepared you, not only scholastically – it prepared you for life. It was there that you made so many memories, from sports experiences to fun times with friends. But the most valuable things you learned there were not physics equations or basketball plays or band music; the most valuable things you learned continued to build on the basis of your life: you learned about the truths of God’s Word. These truths were not only taught in each of the classes, they were lived out before you in the lives of the teachers and staff. What a tremendous foundation this time at Berean gave to you.

The two years spent at Calvary were good times for you and for us as we watched you grow. We saw your relationship with the Lord grow and deepen; after you came home, you would talk with us about the things you’d learned in your classes – those were such good discussions. You appreciated so much your teachers and many friends there!

And it was at Calvary that you met the girl you would love for the rest of your life. Tasha Krahn came into your life the first semester of your freshman year, but you officially started dating just a little before Valentine’s Day 2016. Boy did we ever tease you for that: what were you thinking, asking a girl out right before Valentine’s Day? Now you had to give her a gift! But now we are so thankful for every single day that you had with her; and we know that you are thankful too. Thank you for bringing Tasha into our family as well – she has and will continue to be such a joy and blessing to us!

The life that we knew of Kameron Dean Wiebe came to a sudden stop in a tragic car acci-dent around 1:30 pm on Friday, June 30, 2017. But at the moment that this life stopped, you were ushered into a brand new life – one that we cannot even fathom, but we know that it is the best life we could ever ask for for you. Your favorite verse was Jeremiah 29:11, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” God had the perfect plan for you, Kameron – and a future and hope far beyond anything we could have ever dreamed or desired for you. We know you are loving the plan God had in store for you.

We love you, Kameron Dean, and we cannot wait to see you again! Until heaven…

Your loving family,
Dad & Mom – Lyle and Lenora Wiebe (Whitewater, KS)
Krista & Kevin Friesen, Wyatt, Garrett, and Addison (Newton, KS)
Kendal & Denise Wiebe, Jake (Whitewater, KS)
Kayla & Daniel Kornfeld (Whitewater, KS)
Karlin Wiebe (Whitewater, KS)
Special friend and love of Kameron’s life – Tasha Krahn, (Langdon, North Dakota)

Owner of originalSubmitted by Family Member
Date4 Jul 2017
Linked toKameron Dean Wiebe

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