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Krehbiel, Mary E

The Mennonite Weekly Review

Mary E. Krehbiel
Mary E. Krehbiel, wife of J. W. Krehbiel was born in Davidsfeld, Ukraine, Russia, August 24th, 1865, daughter of Adolf Kruse, and Margaret Rupp Kruse. 
May 1875 she came to Brooklyn, N.Y., with her father and mother, and two brothers, Henry O. and Adolf T. Kruse, both having passed away several years ago, and a sister, Mrs. H. P. Krehbiel, of Newton, Kansas. 
In 1875 she came to Halstead, Kansas with her father, mother, sister and brothers. 
In 1879 March 28th, she joined the Halstead Mennonite Church, being baptized on her confession of faith in Jesus. 
She was married to J. W. Krehbiel Oct. 18th, 1884. 
1887 she with her husband and one daughter moved to Moundridge, and joined the West Zion church soon after. 
Her children are Celia Goerz, residing in California, who could not come on account of illness, Carl and Nelson residing here in Moundridge. 
Our dear wife and mother and grandmother became suddenly ill, Sept. 25th, two o’clock after midnight, and on October 24th 1930 in the early morning, fully resigned to enter her heavenly home. In a peaceful death she passed to the future life by her faith in Jesus as her Savior. Two songs that were especially precious to the departed one were: 'All the way my Savior leads me,' and 'I Need Thee Every Hour.' She also loved as favorite Psalm the Shepherd Psalm, Psalm 23 and the Psalm of Refuge as found in Psalm 91. 
In the last year she often felt God’s call to her heavenly home and made preparations therefore in her spiritual attitude and by advising her granddaughter, Elinor Krehbiel; and Miss Josephine Stucky where to find clothes and other requirements, in the event of her sudden death. Her premonition was an early call of God. She had but one regret, that of leaving her husband, children and grandchildren; the latter having been her deep concern and care for six years. 
The dear departed one repeatedly expressed her gratitude and appreciation of kindly care of the two nurses the Sisters Lorenz, who waited on her as faithfully and lovingly at home and in the Halstead Hospital. She appreciated especially the spiritual gave her in that they read God’s Word and prayed with her every eve- comfort and consolation which they ning. [sic She appreciated especially the spiritual comfort and consolation which they gave her in that they read God’s Word and prayed with her every evening.] 
The members of the family wish herewith to express their deep appreciation to all who have remembered them and have shown sympathy to them during the illness and departure of their wife, mother and grandmother. 

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date29 Oct 1930
Linked toMaria E (Kruse) Krehbiel

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