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Ewert, Gerhart P

from FG

Newton Kansan

Newton, Kansas

April 1941

Gerhart P. Ewert - Obituary

Gerhart P. Ewert, son of Peter and Katherina (Nachtigal) Ewert, was born in Michalin, near Machnovka, Russia on July 19, 1840, and was baptized and received into the Church on Apr 9, 1858. Mr. Ewert has been a resident of the Bethel Home for Aged in Newton, for several months and it was here that he quietly passed away at 4:00 a. m. on the morning of April 14, 1941, having reached the advanced age of 100 years, 8 months and 25 days.

On May 5, 1871, he was united in marriage to Miss Eva Foth and to this union two children were born, one daughter and one son. The daughter, Mrs. A. J. Klaassen, passed away at Hillsboro, on August 13, 1940. The son John G. Ewert, resides at 129 W. Ninth Street, Newton, Kansas.

In December, 1874 the family came to America and arrived at Peabody, on December 5. In the spring of 1875 the family settled in Pleasant township on a small farm. Shortly after moving here he started digging wells and cellars for the early settlers until he saved enough money to buy a forty acre tract of school land for which he paid six dollars per acre. This tract of land he farmed until about two years ago when his health failed. He also was an expert stone mason and did a great part of the work on the Grace Hill Mennonite church of which he was a member and from which church funeral services were held.

Before coming to this country Mr. Ewert was a weaver and inn keeper in Russia. Shortly after coming to this country in 1874 he became an American citizen.

Of all the married coupes who emigrated from Russia and settled in this community, Mr. and Mrs. Ewert were the last to be separated by death when Mrs. Ewert past away July 13, 1927.

In the Bethel Deaconess hospital and in the Home for the Aged he spent the last years of his life highly appreciative of and grateful for the care he received.

He leaves to mourn his passing his son, John G. Ewert, Newton, eight grandchildren, eleven great grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held at the Grace Hill Mennonite church on Wednesday, April 16, 1941 at 2:00 p.m. with Reverend G. N. Harms and Reverend J. J. Voth officiating, The congregation sang several hymns which were favorites of Mr. Ewert. Pall-bearers were Isaac Penner, A. J. Penner, J. B. Schmidt, J. Z. Harms, Peter Balzer and Isaac Balzer. Interment was made in the Grace Hill cemetery by Rex M. Moody of Moody's Funeral Home.  

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
DateApr 1941
Linked toGerhart Peter Ewert

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