Beatrice Ardell (Wing) Willis

Female 1881 - 1974  (92 years)


Wedding Notice

The Evening Kansan-Republican

In Society


Miss Beatrice Wing, daughter of Mr. William Wing, and Mr. Dell Willis, of Edwards county, were married last evening at eight o'clock at the bride's home, by the Rev. Burns, of the Methodist Church.  The room in which the ceremony took place in the presence of the immediate relatives only, was beautifully decorated with asparagus ferns and tiny white wedding bells and these had clappers made of golden rod.  Ropes of the green dotted with the bells were looped from the chandelier to the four corners of the room and the corner in which the bridal couple stood had portiers of green.  The bride's dress was a very pretty affair of white French mull daintily trimmed with a profusion of lace.  Mr. and Mrs. Wills will visit friends here until Saturday before going to their home on a farm six miles from Kinsley.  After the ceremony a nice lunch was served and the neighbors around the Wing home gave the young couple a nice serenade.  Mrs. Wing is a very popular girl among her friends who are sorry to lose her and the groom is a prosperous young farmer of Edwards county.  Their friends extend congratulations.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton Kansas.  Thursday, September 3, 1908.  Page 5.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date3 Sep 1908
Linked toBeatrice Ardell (Wing) Willis

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