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Wing, Mrs. W.W.

The Newton Daily Republican

Died.  Mrs. W.W. Wing of Highland township died Wednesday night after enduring many days of painful sickness.  She came with her husband to Harvey county a number of years ago and was deeply beloved by all who knew her.  She leaves two children to mourn with her most broken hearted husband, her death.  She was a noble woman, possessed of many qualities of the most sterling worth and she was sincerely loved and respected by a large circle of friends.  The funeral will be held today at 10 o'clock and her remains will be laid to rest in the cemetery of this city.  Friends of the family are invited to be present.  The Newton Daily Republican, Newton Kansas.  Friday, September 9, 1887.  Page 4.


The funeral of Mrs. W.W. Wing took place yesterday and was attended by a large number of friends who extended their deep sympathy to the bereaved family.  The Newton Daily Republican, Newton Kansas.  Saturday, September 10, 1887.  Page 4.


The funeral of Mrs. W.W. Wing, of Highland township, took place Friday afternoon at two o'clock.  The last remains were laid to rest in the Newton cemetery, followed there by a host of sympathizing friends and sorrowing relatives.  The Newton Kansan, Newton Kansas.  Thursday, September 15, 1887.  Page 4.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date9 Sep 1887
Linked toSarah O (Shivvers) Wing

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