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Jernigan, Mrs. A.F.

The Evening Kansan-Republican

Mrs. Jernigan Dead.


Word has reached the city of the death of Mrs. A.F. Jernigan which occurred at five o'clock last evening after a long illness.  The funeral will be held at the McLain Church tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton Kansas.  Wednesday, June 8, 1904.  Page 4.



Mrs. Amanda F. Jernigan


A rare privilege it was to sit a little while by the bedside of this Christian woman a few days before she passed to her heavenly reward and hear her earnest expressions of calm confidence in God, firm unwavering trust in her Divine Redeemer.  Although her body was day by day losing its vitality her soul was gathering strength for its flight to the Blessed Land.  Such an experience illustrates Longfellow's words:


There is no death!  What seems so its transition;

This life of mortal breath

Is but a suburb of the life elysian,

Whose portal we call death."


Mrs. Jernigan was born August 12, 1827 at Lebanon, Maine.  She was the daughter of William and Sallie Libbey.  She was reared in Maine until the age of ten years when her parents with their family moved to Illinois.  She was the oldest of nine children of whom six survive her, five brothers and one sister, viz:  William Libbey of Denver, Col., Mrs. Adaline McLain of Canon City, Col., Ivory Libbey of Morrison, Ok., Harrison Libbey of Litchfield, Ill., John B. Libbey of Parsons, Kan., and Edward Libbey living in Newton, Kansas.  One sister and brother preceded her to the better land.  She gave herself to Christ when thirteen years old and remained "faithful unto death."  She was married to Leander D. Jernigan, Dec. 28, 1848.  To this union were born seven children, Augusta, wife of P.G. Gallagher, Rich Hill, Mo., George H. Jernigan, of Salina, Kan., Mrs. David Phillips and Mrs. Ezra Child, McLain, Kan., and Mrs. Robert Henderson, Johnstown, Pa.  Two of Mrs. Jernigan's children died in infancy.  She has not been in good health for several years, but since last Christmas has failed rapidly until last Tuesday afternoon, June 7, at five o'clock she fell asleep in Jesus.  "Asleep for a night on the way to the New Jerusalem."


Besides the relatives mentioned above she leaves seven grand children and three great grand children.  A large concourse of relatives and friends gathered in the McLain Church Thursday afternoon for the funeral service.  The choir sang "When the Mists Have Rolled Away" and other appropriate hymns.  The Pastor preached from the text, "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life" (Rev. 2:10).  Interment was in Newton cemetery.  J.Y.E.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton Kansas.  Friday, June 10, 1904.  Page 5.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date8 Jun 1904
Linked toAmanda F (Libbey) Jernigan

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