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Robert Barger Died This Morning

The Evening Kansan-Republican

Robert B. Barger Died This Morning


Veteran Printer and Honored Citizen Gone To Reward


Robert B. Barger, familiarly known in Newton for a generation as "Capt. Barger," passed away at Bethel Hospital this morning about 3:30, following a severe illness of about ten days of chronic bladder and kidney disorders.  It has been known that Mr. Barger has been in ill health for many months, but he has been on the job as book-keeper in the office of the A. Moore Construction company right along until compelled to quit a couple of weeks ago.


Capt. Barger was well known to all older residents.  He was an old soldier, and in his earlier manhood was a man of much vigor and enthusiasm.  He had been a resident of Newton 36 years.  In the early 1880's he ran a job printing establishment here, and was counted one of the best printers in this section.  Later, when the old Republican was made a morning daily and put on the full Associated Press report in 1887, Mr. Barger was placed in charge of the job department as foreman.  That was the time when Noble Prentis was editor.  Tom Norton was business manager, and Max Nichols was city editor.  Later he served with W.J. Krehbiel as foreman.  Giving up the printing business, Mr. Barger was in the employ of the Follett Hardware firm here for years.  He was always doing free will work for the community, and was a standby for election boards, city council, school work, and in any way he could be of use.  He had been with Mr. Moore for several years.


He leaves his wife at the home at 307 Harrison street, and a daughter, Mrs. Alice Hockenbery, of Wichita.  The funeral will be held at the Christian Church Monday forenoon at 10:30 conducted by Rev. Percy Atkins, and the A.O.U.W. of which he was a member, will assist.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton Kansas.  Saturday, April 28, 1917.  Page 6.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date28 Apr 1917
Linked toRobert Bruce Barger

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