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Willis, Joseph

The Newton Daily Republican

Joseph E. Willis died yesterday afternoon.  Wednesday morning he was prostrated by a stroke of paralysis, from which it was at first thought he would recover, but he grew worse and yesterday it was found that he could not live.  After 1 o'clock in the afternoon he was unable to speak and at 5:45 he passed away.

Joseph Edward Willis, the father of County Superintendent W.F. Willis was born May 24th, 1816, in the town of Mount Holly, Rutland county, Vermont.  At an early age his parents moved to Barnard, and yet some years later to Bridgewater, where he married and settled down to farming.  In his youth he attended the academy at Meridan, N.H, also the normal school at Randolph, VT and subsequently taught school.  For some years he held the position of colonel of the state militia, receiving his commission at the hand of John A. Dix.  While a citizen of Bridgewater he was repeatedly chosen to fill the various town offices of public trust and always discharged his duties so as to merit the esteem and approval of those whom he served.

Few men have had his fine moral sensibilities.  He never used tobacco in any form and has always, from his very youth, been an uncompromising enemy of the use of spirituous liquors in any form as a beverage.  His wife and partner dying, and being reduced in circumstances by sickness and financial loss, he, together with his three sons, removed to Newton, Kansas, in the year of 1878 and made settlement on section sixteen of Richland township.  Here he remained for about six years when in the fall of 1885 he sold his farm and removed to Newton, the following spring, locating on East Seventh street, where he has resided with his son Walter up to the time of his death.  His life has been one of ceaseless activity and tireless energy up to the very moment of receiving the fatal shock.  He leaves three sons, W.F. of this city, Edward C. of Greeley, Col., and Horace G. of Pullman, Ill.

The funeral of Mr. Willis will take place Wednesday, at 2:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church.  The Rev. S.M. Davis will conduct the services.  The Newton Daily Republican, Newton, Kansas.  Monday, February 16, 1891.  Page 4.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date16 Feb 1891
Linked toJoseph Edward Willis

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