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Second Polio Death

The Hutchinson News-Herald

Second Polio Death of 1953

The second polio fatality of the year in Hutchinson hospitals was recorded early Tuesday morning at Grace with the death of Mrs. Leland Klassen, 309-1/2 West 2nd.

The 19-year-old mother of one succumbed in the hospital's iron lung at 12:37 a.m. after an illness of one week, during which she progressively became totally paralyzed and which was climaxed Monday by the loss of her expected baby.

Mrs. Klassen was admitted to Grace Hospital at 9 p.m. July 29 with weakness in one leg.  The paralysis quickly spread to engulf her other leg, her lower body, and finally, her respiratory system and upper body.  Her baby was due in another three months.

Mrs. Klassen was born August 10, 1933, at Broken Bow, Oklahoma, and was reared in Newton, Kansas.  The family moved last December to Hutchinson, where Klassen is employed as a carpenter by the English Construction Co.

In addition to the widower and 20-months-old daughter, Katherine LaVerne, Mrs. Klassen is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Strout, Newton; two brothers, Lyman, now stationed with the Navy in Guam, and Roy Gene, of the home in Newton; and five sisters, Melba, Dellamae, Carolyn, Judy, and Linda, all of the home.

Mrs. Klassen will be buried with the body of her 6-months-old baby, Lois Ann, in her arms.  Graveside service will be at 2:00 p.m. Friday at Greenwood Cemetery near Newton, with Rev. Howard E. Scott, Pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, officiating.  The Hutchinson News-Herald, Hutchinson, Kansas.  Wednesday, August 5, 1953.  Page 5.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date5 Aug 1953
Linked toBetty Laverne (Strout) Klassen; Lois Ann Klassen

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