Francis Eugene Luginbill

Male 1931 - 1981  (49 years)


Luginbill, Francis

The Wichita Eagle on

BURRTON -- Francis Luganbill, 49, Cessna Aircraft employee, died Thursday of injuries received in an automobile accident. Service 10:30 a. m. Monday, Burrton United Methodist Church.
Survivors: wife, Sharon; son, Randy pf Lodi, Calif.; daughters, Linda, Carla, and Denise Luginbill, all of Burrton; brothers, Cecil, Orville, both of Hutchinson. Memorial has been established with the Burrton United Methodist Church. Kaufman Funeral Home, Halstead.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date9 Aug 1981
Linked toFrancis Eugene Luginbill

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