Walter A. Penner
WHITEWATER - Walter A. Penner, age 87,
passed away Saturday (Dec.15, 2018) at Wheat State Manor in
Walter was born Oct. 6, 1931, at
Newton. He graduated with the class of 1949 from Berean Academy and
was a member of the Emmaus Mennonite Church.
Walter is survived by his wife; Evelyn
(Voth) Penner of Whitewater, sons; Bruce (Enid), Kenneth (Jeanne) of
Whitewater and Mark (Shabnam) of Tajikistan, daughter; Carol
(Carlton) Harris of San Diego, California, brothers; Irvin (Marty)
Penner of Wichita, Marlin (Jan) Penner of Wichita, sisters; Alice
Regehr of Newton, Gladys (Bernie) Regier of Wichita, 12
grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m.
Thursday (Dec. 20, 2018), at Emmaus Mennonite Church of Whitewater.
Interment will be 10 a.m. Saturday
(Dec. 22, 2018) at Emmaus Cemetery.
Funeral service will be 11 a.m.
Saturday (Dec. 22, 2018) following interment at Emmaus Mennonite