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Donahue, Lois Winifred (Krehbiel)
The Newton Kansan
Lois Winifred (Krehbiel) Donahue
TOPEKA -- Lois Winifred (Krehbiel) Donahue, 88, died Jan. 4, 2004, at Topeka Presbyterian Manor.
She was born Sept. 2, 1915, in Halstead to Lucas Peter and Zelta Eugenia (Burrows) Krehbiel. She grew up in Halstead and graduated from Halstead High School in 1932. She attended Cottey College in Nevada, Mo., for two years and then graduated from The University of Kansas (medical technology) in 1936. After graduation, she worked at The University of Kansas Medical Center.
She married Dr. Hayden H. Donahue in 1941 in Augusta, Ga. The marriage ended in divorce in 1946. She did not remarry. From 1949 to 1965, she lived in Emporia and worked as church secretary at First Methodist Church in Emporia. In 1962, she returned to college at Emporia State University and obtained a degree in English education. She moved to Topeka in 1965 and taught at Seaman High School until she retired. She was a resident of the Topeka Presbyterian Manor since 1997.
She was a member of P.E.O., Chi Omega sorority, the KNEA, YMCA, the Kansas Authors Club, the Cottey College, KU and Emporia State University alumni associations, Countryside Methodist Church, Unity Fellowship and the Sierra Club.
Survivors include: a son, Patrick H. Donahue of Lawrence, a brother, Robert P. Krehbiel of Hutchinson.
Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Friday at Jellison chapel at Topeka Presbyterian Manor.
Inurnment will be in Memorial Park Cemetery in Topeka. Memorials have been established with Cottey College, Emporia State University and Topeka Presbyterian Manor, all in care of Penwell-Gabel Mid Town, 1321 S. W. 10th,
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