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Friesen, Homer V

The Newton Kansan

Homer V. Friesen

1932 - 2020

NEWTON: Homer V Friesen, 87, entered his heavenly home on Friday (October 16, 2020) at the Presbyterian Manor in Newton.

He was born November 6, 1932 to John and Melinda Friesen in Great Bend, Kansas. Homer was a graduate of Berean Academy, Grace Bible Institute, and the Dunwoody College of Technology in MN.

He married Eldena Schroeder, of Adams, OK on July 23, 1953. Together they served eight years in Ethiopia under Sudan Interior Mission where Homer was a carpenter-builder. He served the Go-Ye Mission in Tahlequah, OK for five years. He then moved to Newton and worked as Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at Berean Academy for 23 years before leukemia caused an early retirement. He had a woodworking shop, called Tinkers Paradise, where he did custom wood working projects for many customers who quickly became friends.

Homer, along with his wife were charter members of Newton Bible Church and one of the first missionary families. He later served the church as Elder, Sunday School teacher and song leader. He loved quartet singing and southern gospel music. A life of service and dedication to God hallmarked his life. He will be remembered for his many acts of service and kindness.

Homer leaves behind his wife of 67 years, Eldena of Newton; children Douglas of Wichita, Marilyn Greenbush and the late John Greenbush of Spring Valley, CA., Janet Regier and Len of Newton, Donald and Sandy of Wichita, Becky Ringler and Grant of Hutchinson; nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Homer is preceded in death by his parents and sister Elinor Hall.

The casket will be open between 1:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. with family present from 5:00-8:00 P.M. on Tuesday (October 20th) at Broadway Colonial Funeral Home.

Graveside service will be held at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday (October 21st) at Greenwood Cemetery in Newton followed by memorial service at Newton Bible Church at 11:00 A.M.

It is requested that those attending the visitation and services to follow their proper social distancing.

A Memorial has been established with Newton Bible Church and Berean Academy. Memorials may be sent to Broadway Colonial Funeral Home, 120 E. Broadway, Newton, KS 67114.

The service will be live-streamed from the Newton Bible Church Facebook page or navigate to videos at

Condolences may be left at

Arrangements are by Broadway Colonial Funeral Home, Newton, KS.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date20 Oct 2020
Linked toHomer V Friesen

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