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Lehman, Eleanor
from FAG
Eleanor passed away peacefully in Charlotte, North Carolina, on January 27, 2020 having lived life fully for 96 years.
The family is grateful for the extraordinary care provided by the staff at Carmel Hills Retirement Community, Charlotte, NC.
was born in Geary, OK, one of three daughters in that farming
community. She lost her father, a WWI veteran who fell ill in the line
of duty, before passing away at age 26. Eleanor was only three years
old. Her mother remarried. Her newly blended family included a
stepfather and his son and daughter.
As an industrious teenager
she loved to read and worked for a family in town caring for their
children during High School. Then came the opportunity to enroll and
attend Bethel College, Newton, KS, to study nursing. There she met Joe
J. Lehman, her future husband. On his graduation day in 1943, May 20,
Eleanor and Joe were married. Their marriage thrived until Joe passed
away, age 92, in 2013.
Joe entered the U.S. Navy later in 1943 to
serve in the Pacific Theater. Meanwhile, Eleanor lived with an aunt in
Oakland, CA, working at the Kaiser Shipyards until Joe’s active duty
discharge in 1945. He then completed his doctorate in 1949 at Washington
State University, subsequently accepting a Professorship in Organic
Chemistry at Colorado A&M University. Joe and Eleanor moved to Fort
Collins, CO, built a house and established their home in 1950, only a
mile from campus, for the next 65 years. He retired in 1991.
Eleanor continued in their loving relationship as a devoted wife and
mother. With four children to nurture, Eleanor stalwartly guided them
each into life’s discoveries: chores, reading, music, travel and higher
education and part-time jobs. Encouragement and patience poured into her
children, a teacher and guardian all the while.
support, equally, in Joe’s career allowed her to expand her love of
history, art and literature as his U.S. Naval Reserve (rank of Captain)
appointments created opportunity for travel. Sabbaticals were awarded to
him to teach, on leave from, now, Colorado State University. The family
then experienced residencies in Oak Ridge, TN, Chapel Hill, NC, The
Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, and Kansas City, KS. In early retirement
she and Joe traveled abroad: Europe, and Hawaii, visiting museums, then
often found themselves driving the continental U.S. visiting their
children and families.
After Joe’s passing Eleanor then
relocated, in August 2015, to Charlotte, NC, to live with daughter
Barbara Brady and husband, Terry.
Reflecting on Eleanor’s love of
family and learning and, being of a gentle and humble disposition, she
enjoyed her hobbies: reading history and keeping journals, clipping
commentaries on published books, art and editorials, and tending to her
rose garden. She deliberately, for years, walked the mile out and back
to College Avenue from her home near the hospital. Her grandchildren,
overjoyed to be with her at home, were privileged to receive frequent
correspondence from her. She passed along this worthwhile habit, along
with other individual skills. Eleanor remained intensely interested in
their lives and progress throughout her life.
Eleanor’s faith in Christ sustained her providing her great strength and comfort.
tender heart and indomitable spirit lives on in memory for her
children, Stanwood Lehman (Pat), Nashville, TN, Barbara Brady (Terry),
Charlotte, NC, Lizabeth Cannon (Fred), State College, PA, and Scott
Lehman (Janet), Arvada, CO. She is survived by 9 grandchildren (in
addition, God rest grandson Andy’s soul in 2005) and 14
great-grandchildren. Eleanor was affectionally known as “Nonty” or
Private family arrangements will be handled by Palmetto
Funeral Home and Cremation Service, Fort Mill, SC 29708. It is Eleanor’s
wishes for her ashes to be spread in the Colorado mountains where her
dear husband Joe’s everlasting spirit was cast.
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