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Cody, Howard Stout
from FG
Howard Stout Cody, 83, retired truck driver, died Monday, Sept. 9, 1996, at the Meadowbrook Manor in Sedgwick.
was born Feb. 7 1913, in Morgantown, W.V., to Stuart Alverton Cody and
Mary Adeline Stout Cody. He married Sylvia L. Krengel on Aug. 28, 1948,
in Greenwich, Conn. She died Dec. 2, 1987. He married Mary G. Smith on
Oct. 6, 1990, in Newton. She survives.
He had been a McPherson
resident since 1990. He was a member of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
in Newton, Order of Eastern Star in McPherson, Masonic Blue Lodge,
Scottish Rite, was a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Disabled American Veterans and was a member of the American Legion.
survivors include two daughters, Sandra Cody of Halstead and Melanie
Spencer of Valley Center; one step-daughter, Gail Milligan of Medway,
Mass.; one brother, Stuart J. Cody of Orangevale, Calif.; two
grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
Memorial services will be at
6:30 p.m. Saturday at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Newton with the
Rev. Joyce W. Holmes officiating. Burial will be in the St. Matthew's
Episcopal Church Columbarium.
Memorial may be sent to the church in care of the Kaufman Funeral Home in Halstead.
Owner of original | Harvey County Genealogical Society |
Date | Sep 1996 |
Linked to | Howard Stout Cody |
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