Donna Lee Ida (Harcey) Wright
Donna Lee Ida (Harcey) Wright was born
in Utica, Minnesota, on March 4, 1934, as the 6th of 11 children to
Ralph and Ruby (Small) Harcey. As a farm girl, she learned early how
to lovingly invest in her family. She was a good student and always
valued her education. Reading became her life-long passion,
especially in later years, when chores no longer consumed her days.
She accepted Christ as her Savior as a
child through the Rural Bible Crusade missionary. As she helped with
VBS by leading music, she made a personal commitment to Christ, and
began serving Him by teaching Sunday school and children's clubs soon
Donna graduated from St. Charles High
School in 1951. Donna attended Midwest Bible and Missionary Institute
for the purposes of preparing for the mission field. There she met
Richard Wright, her husband, who was also preparing for Christian
service. Richard and Donna married July 17, 1954, in an outdoor
wedding in St. Charles, MN and returned to resume their college
education. Though Richard and Donna farmed in early married life,
Richard was soon called to the pastorate. In their 67 years of
marriage, they served in five different churches in various
denominations, always ready to teach the Scriptures. Donna is
remembered by her children as the children's church teacher,
carefully walking through the Old and New Testaments with her
flannelgraph stories. In addition, the pastor's wife was found
leading Christmas programs, providing special music, preparing
newsletters, and doing office work. Richard, her husband, credits his
success to her partnering with him in service.
When asked what career Donna had, the
answers are varied. She has been a pastor's wife, accountant, store
owner, cook, school teacher/daycare director, and always a faithful
housewife and patient mother. Her nurturing spirit drew all who knew
her to love her. She frequently inquired about the concerns and
activities of her friends and family and maintained an active
relationship with them.
Donna was a lovely soprano, but enjoyed
trios over the years. When the family prepared to travel and sing as
a support to Dad's ministry, Donna taught separate parts to the
children, so that duets, trios, quartets and family numbers all had
their harmonies in concert. On her last birthday, the entertainment
was the family singing Mom's favorite hymns and songs in close
Christian education was important to
Donna. She completed her Bachelor's degree from Liberty University in
1994, fulfilling her life-long dream and enabling her to teach in St.
Charles Christian School. Each of her children also attended
Christian high school and Christian college, with a design toward
being ready to serve the Savior. Those investments and many practical
conversations about living for Jesus gave a Biblical worldview to her
children, which has since passed on to her grandchildren. All five
children have been involved in Christian ministry full-time, either
in missions or Christian education. Her grandchildren continue the
legacy of being involved in education and/or church ministry. Her
legacy is described in Ps 61:5 "For you, O God, have heard my
vows; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name."
Donna is survived by her husband,
Richard, and their children, Paul (Beth) Wright, Mendoza, Argentina;
Cherry (Elwyn) Stucky, Whitewater, KS; Sandra (David) Smith, Palmer
Lake, CO; Rochelle "Shelly" (Dale) Friesen, Walton, KS; and
Richard "Rick" (Jamie) Wright, Elbing, KS; grandchildren,
Keren, Jon (Amber), Lisa (Jorge), Ben (Rachel), Josiah, Matthew,
Mark, Jordan (Abbi), and Sara; great-grandchildren, Brooke, Caleb,
Gideon and two coming this fall; her brother, Stanley (Lavonne)
Harcey of St. Charles, MN, and sister, Joyce Narveson, Moberly, MO.
Donna passed quietly into the Savior's
arms on October 29, 2021. Donna was preceded in death by her parents
and eight of her ten siblings.
Her family will gather with friends on
Friday, November 5, from 12 noon -2 p.m. A Celebration of Life
Service will follow at 2 p.m. both at Whitewater Community Church,
703 E. Central, Whitewater. Interment in Whitewater Cemetery,
Whitewater, KS.
In lieu of flowers memorial donations
may be directed to Calvary University, Kansas City, MO or to Berean
Academy, Elbing, KS in care of Lamb Funeral Home, PO Box 358,
Whitewater, KS 67154.