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Childs, Mrs. Frank

The Negro Star
03 Nov 1922

We learn with surprise and deep regret of the death of Mrs. Childs, the widow of Mr. Frank Childs, who died in this city last February. Mrs. Childs passed away in Kansas City, Mo., at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Childs, Tuesday and the remains were brought to Newton their former home on Friday for interment by the side of her husband.

Mr. Frank Childs, Jr., accompanied by Rev. Ransom. Messrs. Walter Wright and C. P. Edwards and others, went to Newton to attend the funeral ceremonies which were held at half past two o'clock Friday afternoon.

Owner of originalHarvey County Geneealogical Society
Date31 Oct 1922
Linked toMariah (Baxter) Childs

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