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Death Notice

The Newton Journal

Mrs. W. E. Adair Dead

Mrs. W. E. Adair died at the home of her mother, Mrs. D. Jones in this city Friday evening from complications originating in a sever attack of typhoid fever last winter.

Mrs. Adair came from Kansas City to visit with her relatives a few weeks ago and was taken ill. Mr. Adair came at once, and watched constantly at her side. All efforts gave way to the hand of death, however, and the loving husband mourns. There are left also, the aged mother, three sisters and two brothers, all of whom were present at the death except one sister who was unable to come from her home in Indiana.

Rev. Hobbs conducted a short service at the home Monday morning at 10 o?clock and the remains of one universally beloved by her associates were gently laid to rest in Newton cemetery.

(c) HCGS.  The Newton Journal, Newton, Kansas. Friday, June 22, 1906.  Page 1.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date22 Jun 1906
Linked toAnna (Jones) Adair

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