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Old Resident Dead

The Evening Kansan-Republican

Old Resident Dead
H. D. Ames, Walton Business Man, Expires Suddenly

Harvey D. Ames, an old resident of this County, died at his home in Walton yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, heart failure being the cause of his death. Mr. Ames had been at his store yesterday morning and was not known to be feeling bad. His death comes as a shock to his family and his friends.

Mr. Ames was sixty-three years of age. He came to Walton twenty-three years ago from Defiance, Ohio, and has been in business at that place since that time. He was married to Miss Hannah Jane Sisco, October 7, 1865. He served in Company D 38th Regiment of Ohio during the Civil war, enlisting January 4, 1864, and being discharged July 12, 1865.

Besides his wife, nine children survive him. 

The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Methodist Church in Walton at 2 o'clock. 

(c) HCGS.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas.  Friday, April 17, 1908.  Page 1.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date17 Apr 1908
Linked toHarvey D Ames

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