Paul Herschel Harder died, age 88, in
Wichita Kansas.
He was born June 30, 1934, to Rev.
Henry N. and Hilda Klassen Harder in Rosthern, Saskatchewan, Canada.
He was later joined by two brothers, Verlin and Glennie (deceased
1941 at age 2 1/2 years old). At age one his parents moved to Enid,
Oklahoma where his father started the Grace Mennonite Church. The
family then moved to Geary, Oklahoma where his father pastored the
First Mennonite Church. His third grade was spent in Newton, KS
living with his grandparents while his mother was hospitalized with
tuberculosis. In 1945, the family moved to Aberdeen, Idaho where his
father pastored the First Mennonite Church.
Upon graduation from Aberdeen High
School in 1952, he attended Bethel College in N. Newton, KS and
graduated with a B.S. in Economics and Business Administration.
Because of going back to Idaho to work through the fall potato
harvest to finance his college costs, he did not graduate until 1959.
It was at Bethel that he met his wife, Eldine Franz of Buhler, KS and
they were married on June 9, 1957. His two-year alternative service
was done as a bookkeeper in the Business Office at Bethel College.
During his last year at Bethel, he served as Office Manager while
completing graduation requirements.
Upon graduation from college, he worked
at Hesston Corporation as Specifications Supervisor in the
Engineering Department for 12 yrs. In 1971, he moved the family to
Overland Park, KS and began a new career as a Patent Agent with a law
firm in Kansas City that represented Hesston Corporation. He passed
the Patent Bar in 1973. The family moved back to Newton in 1976,
where he accepted the job of Controller at Bethel College. In 1984,
he joined Kansas State Bank as Loan Officer and retired in 1994 as
Vice President of Mortgage Lending. He then joined Kidron Bethel
Retirement Services as Vice President of Finance and retired from
this position in 1998.
He was actively involved in various
civic, service, and charitable organizations. He held leadership
positions including board chair, treasurer, trustee and various
committee posts at Bethel College Mennonite Church and committee
posts in the Western District Conference. He served on the board and
as Treasurer at Prairie View Mental Health Center and Hospital. He
was also a long-term Board Member, Chairman and Treasurer of Kidron
Bethel Retirement Services and its successor Bluestem Communities. He
was actively involved in the Newton Chamber of Commerce and served as
President and board member of the Newton Lions Club. He was elected
to three terms of the Newton City Commission including serving as
Newton Mayor. He was also elected to serve on the N. Newton City
Council for three terms.
Retirement was spent traveling both
domestically and internationally, visiting all fifty states, Mexico
and Canada. Traveling with their RV was common, and many years
included spending several months in the winter in South Texas. Travel
also included U.S. and European trips with the Mennonite Men?s
Choir and to Ukraine in 1999 to the Harder homeland. He spent much of
his time with family which was very important to him and gave him the
greatest joy. At every opportunity he would be present and an
enthusiastic supporter of his children?s and grandchildren?s
school events and activities. He was a caretaker of family over the
years, including overseeing the care of Eldine?s brother, Leroy
Franz, after Eldine?s father passed on. In later years, as his
health was declining, he did not let his physical limitations stop
him and was determined to push himself to continue to live his life
to the very fullest.
Survivors include his loving wife of 66
years, Eldine, and children Susan (David) Heller of Lawrence, KS,
Scott (Laura) Harder of Augusta, KS, and Kay (Brian) Dalke of Newton,
KS. Grandchildren include Kaitlin (Blake) Thornburgh, Christopher
Heller, Joseph Harder, Rachael (Mylhan) Myers, Amanda (Cale) Wiebe,
Rylan (Stephanie) Dalke, Brittany (Adam) Barrett, and Madison Dalke.
Great Grandchildren include Rhett Thornburgh, Lachlan Myers, Evelyn
and Rocky Barrett and Parker Dalke. Preceding him in death were his
parents, brother Glennie, infant son Timothy and brother Verlin
Memorial Services will be held at
Bethel College Mennonite Church, 2600 College Ave, North Newton, KS
67117, on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. with a viewing
from 10:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.
Memorials may be made to Bethel College
Mennonite Church.