Doreen Frances Harms 97 died December
27, 2022, at Kidron Bethel Healthcare in North Newton, Kansas. Shew
was born November 14, 1925, to Isaac and Helen (Harms) Harms. She
was the first of three children and was raised on a farm East of
Newton. Doreen was baptized at Grace Hill Mennonite Church on May
24, 1942, upon her confession of faith. She grew up during the great
depression. Two years of rural elementary school teaching were
sandwiched into several years of college.
In June of 1948, she went into
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) service in Akron, PA, for a
two-year term, which eventually became 43 years. MCC service began
with secretarial work in the refugee department at the time of large
refugee transports to South American and Canada.
After the U.S. Displaced Persons Act of
1948, she was asked to direct refugee resettlement in the U.S. for
ca. 400 refugee persons. In 1950 she helped to organize and then
directed an international exchange program for 18?30-year-old
international people aimed at international peace and understanding.
In 1952, she was asked to go to the
Mennonite refugee camp in Germany to work with U.S. refugee
immigration from that end as well as help with food/clothing
distribution and set up a tracing service for families torn apart and
displaced because of WWII.
After that her work with MCC centered
in Akron, PA., although she went back to Europe for 8 more years to
work with East-West relations and the broader MCC program in Europe
and North Africa.
The work in Akron through the years
involved several assignments but a total of ca. 29 years were
starting and directing several international exchange programs. This
involved working with several thousand young people from about 60
countries, their church and/or civic leaders abroad and with
sponsors, hosts, and committees in North America.
Mid-1991, she retired at the Kidron
Bethel retirement village. During retirements, she served on various
boards and their committees including Northview Developmental
Services board, Et Cetera/Ten Thousand Villages, Kidron Bethel, and
the Harvey Co. RSVP. She also found opportunity to volunteer at
numerous agencies in the Newton community and be active in the Grace
Hill Mennonite Church.
Survivors are: Nieces, Sharon Harms,
Delorme and Janelle Harms; Nephews Daryl and Loren Harms.
Preceded on Christmas Day in 2022, by
brother Vernon Harms in Canada. She is also preceded by sister
Marjorie Harms and her parents.
Committal service at Grace Hill
Mennonite Church cemetery at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, January 6, 2023,
followed by a celebration of life service at 11:00 a.m.
Memorials may be sent to Mennonite
Central Committee, Grace Hill Mennonite Church or Kidron Bethel
Retirement Services.