January 24, 2023
Wichita, KS ? Alan Hammons, 72, retired aeronautical analyst and long time Newton, KS resident, died Wednesday, January 18, 2023. Rosary will be at 7:00 pm, Monday, January 23, 2023,
Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 am, Tuesday, January 24, 2023, both at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church. Preceded in death by his parents, Wendel and Donna Hammons. Survived by his wife, Carole Hammons; son, Dan (Kirsten)
Hammons of Allen, TX; grandchildren, Tyler Hammons, Abigail Hammons, Kylie West, Braden West, Cade West. Memorials have been established with: Catholic Charities, 437 N. Topeka St., Wichita, KS 67202 and St. Catherine of Siena
Catholic Church Building Fund, 3642 N. Ridge Rd, Wichita, KS 67205. Downing & Lahey Mortuary ? West Chapel. Share tributes online at: www.dlwichita.com