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John Astor Early

Death Notice


El Dorado Policeman Fatally Injured as Machine Capsizes in Street

EL DORADO, KAN., Feb. 5. (AP) ? John A. Early, Jr., aged 32, motorcycle patrolman, was fatally injured here last night when his motorcycle struck a bump in the pavement, skidded and threw him to the street.

Early's skull was fractured in the fall. He died about 11:30 o'clock in the hospital where he was taken immediately after the accident, having lived for two hours without regaining consciousness.

Early has been a member of the police force here since June 1. He leaves his wife and three small children, all boys.

The body will be taken to the home of his father at Newton, where funeral services will be held on Tuesday afternoon.

The Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kansas.  Monday, February 6, 1928.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date6 Feb 1928
Linked toJohn Astor Early

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