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Monte Gene Brill

Monte Gene Brill

d. January 5, 2023

Monte Gene Brill was 63 years of age and passed unexpectedly of natural causes. He was born in Wichita, KS on July 7, 1959 to the parents of William (Bill) and Alice Brill (Schoneweis). He is survived by his mother Alice Brill, sons Kory and Jesse Brill, brother Randy Brill (Carrie Ann, Dori), sisters Mary Hubert (Rick) and Cindy Jones, and nieces and nephews Nicole Wickoren (Joel), Nathan Hubert (Ashley), Allison Holopter (Ryan), Shea Cooper (Hayden), Sarah Brennan (Ethan), and Nolan Brill (Jess).

He was preceded in death by his father Bill, brother-in-law Randy Jones, nephew Ben Jones, and nephew Tyler Brill.

Monte grew up in Sedgwick, KS, graduating from Sedgwick High School in 1977. He then attended York College for two years before transferring to Oklahoma Christian College and later moved to Wichita in his early twenties. His work history was highlighted by hard work and dedication starting as a paperboy in Sedgwick. He also worked at miscellaneous jobs including Dillions, as a DJ in college, welding at Mosiman?s, Bunting Magnetics, Star Lumber, and A.L. Williams insurance. He worked thirty-four years at Coleman Manufacturing, working his way up to material distribution and coordinator.

Monte was an avid outdoorsman who loved to hunt, fish, and campout. His campouts included annual canoe trips in Missouri and Oklahoma. Sharing a campfire with is sons and friends was one of this favorite activities. He was always willing to go out of his way to help family and friends and share a good laugh. He wanted to support and build character with everyone he knew and met. He was also an excellent cook who loved to grill and smoke meat, sometimes texting his pictures of the grill filled with meat and vegetables. All these experiences included what some family members called Monte?s verbal lasso; he was a great storyteller who didn?t seem to ever be in a hurry.

Music was also a passion; he had an eclectic taste that included multiple genres while sometimes enjoying it at the fully cranked (maybe excessive) volume. He enjoyed a ?play hard, work hard, and love hard? philosophy. Monte was respectful, calm, polite, and intelligent with an appreciative demeanor. He wanted everyone to flourish.

The service will at 11:00 Saturday, January 21 at Columbus Avenue Church of Christ, 101 Columbus Avenue, Newton, KS, 67114.

Memorial contributions can be made out to the family.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
DateJan 2023
Linked toMonte Gene Brill

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