GODDARD - George S Brainard 96, died Friday, Jan 14, at Medicalodge in Goddard. He was born in Hesston. Graveside service was Tuesday, Jan 18, at Greenwood Cemetery, Newton with Rev Larry Morgan officiating. He was born Aug 15, 1897, to Ira W and Lydia Allex Brainard. On Sept 25, 1929, he married Lucil I Knee in Hoxie. She died May 23, 1975. He was a retired Santa Fe Railway carman. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen and served in the Army During Wold War I. Survivors include one daughter, four grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and on great-great-grandchild. Peterson Funeral Home, Newton, handled arrangements. A memorial was established with the Kansas Wildlife Federation