Latitude: 19.2761305, Longitude: -98.8852570
Military ServiceMatches 1 to 50 of 103 1 2 3 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Military Service |
Person ID |
1 |
Abbey, Charles W | | Civil | I15672 |
2 |
Adair, W A | | CIVIL | I15703 |
3 |
Allendorf, Christian | | Civil | I15830 |
4 |
Allison, John E | | CIVIL | I15834 |
5 |
Anderson, James H | | Civil | I34081 |
6 |
Baughman, Hiram | | Civil | I688 |
7 |
Beckett, Coleman R | | CIVIL | I717 |
8 |
Bender, John H | | CIVIL | I18066 |
9 |
Bickel, Casper C | 21 Aug 1864 | CIVIL | I738 |
10 |
Billick, Joseph L | 1861-1865 | Civil | I18191 |
11 |
Blades, James Taylor | | CIVIL | I748 |
12 |
Bolin, Jacob | | CIVIL | I18326 |
13 |
Bongard, Joseph Sr | | Civil | I18335 |
14 |
Booher, Amos Palmer | | Civil | I779 |
15 |
Bowman, Cyrus S | | Civil | I18390 |
16 |
Boyle, Patrick | | Civil | I35105 |
17 |
Brewster, Norman | | CIVIL | I819 |
18 |
Brining, Charles H | | Civil | I18561 |
19 |
Burns, Edward T | | CIVIL | I186 |
20 |
Burns, John W | | CIVIL | I11801 |
21 |
Burns, John W | | CIVIL | I18881 |
22 |
Byers, Samuel P | | Civil | I33835 |
23 |
Campbell, David J | | Civil | I33303 |
24 |
Carey, George | | CIVIL | I18974 |
25 |
Carey, Peter | | Civil | I864 |
26 |
Chadburn, William | | Civil | I33089 |
27 |
Cheatum, William Harrison | | CIVIL | I9837 |
28 |
Chidester, William M | | CIVIL | I19183 |
29 |
Coffman, Andrew Jackson | | CIVIL | I12193 |
30 |
Comes, Casper | | CIVIL | I942 |
31 |
Corcoran, John | | Civil | I35106 |
32 |
Crippen, Lemuel | | CIVIL | I34223 |
33 |
Dalton, William | | CIVIL | I10713 |
34 |
Davis, David J | | CIVIL | I1029 |
35 |
Day, Leicester | | Civil | I1052 |
36 |
Dean, Jesse W | | CIVIL | I1071 |
37 |
Duffy, Andrew | | Civil | I34525 |
38 |
Dunn, John R | | Civil | I20584 |
39 |
Eales, Samuel J | | CIVIL | I1148 |
40 |
Fife, Thomas | | Civil | I21136 |
41 |
Finch, Henry W | | CIVIL | I21140 |
42 |
Flickinger, George Washington | | CIVIL | I1247 |
43 |
Garten, Davis Nathaniel | | CIVIL | I21755 |
44 |
Goddard, James H | | CIVIL | I12577 |
45 |
Gregory, Joseph Jackson | | CIVIL | I1443 |
46 |
Grose, James | | CIVIL | I22332 |
47 |
Grubbs, John W | | Civil | I1489 |
48 |
Guist, Cleason Bradford | | CIVIL | I1495 |
49 |
Gustin, George S | | Civil | I22420 |
50 |
Hand, Jacob S | | Civil | I22555 |
1 2 3 Next»
Other EventMatches 1 to 11 of 11
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Other Event |
Person ID |
1 |
Adams, James W | 1862 | CIVIL | I15712 |
2 |
Anderson, David M | | CIVIL | I15965 |
3 |
Babbitt, George | | CIVIL | I17643 |
4 |
Barnes, Capt. Fredrick D. | | CIVIL | I17825 |
5 |
Covert, Martin | | CIVIL | I19564 |
6 |
Davis, C.J. | | CIVIL | I20099 |
7 |
Gallaher, John | | CIVIL | I21707 |
8 |
Gillcrees, George W. | | CIVIL | I33849 |
9 |
Glenn, William | | CIVIL | I21966 |
10 |
Smith, John T. | | CIVIL | I29706 |
11 |
Underwood, Minor Sr. | | CIVIL | I30790 |